CLASS Respite

Difference between Respite and CFC PAS/Hab

CLASS has 2 options for Respite

Respite takes place either in your home (or that of a family or friend) or at a location in your community.

  • In-home respite – provided in a home (provider or recipient’s) when the person who resides with the individual is unavailable to provide unpaid assistance and support
  • Out-of-home respite – If your family member needs services that you can’t have provided in your home, you may need to find a place you can drop them off for a few hours. Some may provide overnight or weekend services and some may provide more medical or nursing care. Options include:
    • Adult day care centers are where you bring your loved one to a facility where they participate in supervised activities and often are provided meals and snacks. Some facilities are allowed to provide medical services.
    • Specialized camps that serve either adults or children with special needs have trained staff to provide medical care.
    • Assisted living facilities may offer overnight stays where trained staff supervise your loved one. Some provide medical care.
    • Nursing homes also may provide extended respite care. And, because they have medical staff, they can provide medical care.

CLASS budget must not include more than 30 days of in-home respite and out-of-home respite combined.

7282 Respite Care

An individual is eligible for respite if:

  • the person who routinely provides assistance and support and resides with the individual is temporarily unavailable to provide the routine assistance and support;
  • the amount of respite does not exceed the amount of unpaid assistance and support routinely provided by the person who routinely provides this assistance and support;
  • the service provider of respite does not reside with the individual;

Respite activities

  • interacting face-to-face with an individual who is awake to assist the individual in the following activities;
    • self-care;
    • personal hygiene;
    • ambulation and mobility;
    • money management;
    • community integration;
    • use of adaptive equipment;
    • self-administration of medication;
    • reinforce any therapeutic goal of the individual;
    • provide transportation to the individual; and
    • protect the individual’s health, safety and security;
  • interacting face-to-face or by telephone with an individual or an involved person regarding an incident that directly affects the individual’s health or safety; and
  • performing one of the following activities that does not involve interacting face-to-face with an individual:
    • shopping for the individual;
    • planning or preparing meals for the individual;
    • housekeeping for the individual;
    • procuring or preparing the individual’s medication;
    • arranging transportation for the individual; or
    • protecting the individual’s health, safety and security while the individual is asleep.